It's been a while,
Just wanted to let you all know a few things. My dad is home, and recovering. Still some weird issues going on that are tough to explain like his brain just isn't "right" but hoping that gets better with rest. I've been totally buried with ThePublica launch and getting CoffeeBrandCoffee ready for fathers day.
We launched our Fathers Day boxes early because we sold out of the Mother's Day ones a full week before shipping cut off. I wanted to make sure my viewers were able to get one reserved this time, I know father's day is a few weeks out yet but promo code "dad" will save you 10% on the pre-built and the custom boxes.
I am so thankful for all your support everyone! Get yours today!
We are moving BACK to the 1PM est (12 cst) time slot. We will still have MelonieMac & Styxhexenhammer as co-hosts! Hope to see you all Monday!