The Quartering
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Live Streamed on December 5, 2023 12:55 PM ET
House Explodes, Trans Cyclist Embarrassment, GTA 6 Outrage, Mystery New COVID

House Explodes, Trans Cyclist Embarrassment, GTA 6 Outrage, Mystery New COVID

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Big Update For Daily Live Stream!

We are moving BACK to the 1PM est (12 cst) time slot. We will still have MelonieMac & Styxhexenhammer as co-hosts! Hope to see you all Monday!

Important Update

Some News So thankful for all of you. 2024 is going to be awesome.

Sneak Peek At My Good Boy & Good Girl Drawer

for members...

10,000 Stickers DEPLOYED, Let's Hit 50,000 W/ New Designs

There has been 10,000 stickers deployed for "Tailgates For Trump" in the first week. These stickers are super important to raise awareness, activate voters, and bring Donald Trump the WIN in 2024 as long as they don't get him first.

Let's hit 50,000 Stickers placed all over this country this week! We've got 2 new designs that drive people to the website, so they can join the mailing list, sign up to host a party, register Trump voters & more! Get yours ordered right now! We're shipping this week and can seriously move the needle for Trump if we get out there and but these things up everywhere potential Trump voters could see em!

This is about getting out there and really putting some skin in the game! We Can do this!

Get yours here:

September 13, 2024

Jeremy, on tailgates4trump can you add references to the stats you have made in talking points. When mentioned to people, they say wheres the proof? You are making numbers up. I think a good section to also have is counter arguements against the usual anti trump opinions, such as counters for...Trump is all about himself, Trump is a criminal, Trump is a racist, Trump is a misogynist, Trump is a liar etc etc. Even a section backing up Trump's statements from the recent debate with references. People i have spoken to seem to believe everything he said in the debate were lies. Google seems to be making tailgates very hard to find too.

September 13, 2024

Jeremy, you seem sort of, out of breath in some of your latest videos. PLEASE GET CHECKED OUT BY YOUR DOCTOR! We wouldn't want any nasty heart troubles in your future. We need you healthy and with us in the future.

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