The Quartering
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🛑New Video Just Released🛑

Mr Beast DESTROYED Over Promoting WILDLY Unhealthy Kids Meal Lunchly & Ignoring Creeps At Company

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Big Update For Daily Live Stream!

We are moving BACK to the 1PM est (12 cst) time slot. We will still have MelonieMac & Styxhexenhammer as co-hosts! Hope to see you all Monday!

Important Update

Some News So thankful for all of you. 2024 is going to be awesome.

Sneak Peek At My Good Boy & Good Girl Drawer

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11 hours ago

@TheQuartering got my stickers today and cookbook is on order!

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🛑New Video Just Released🛑

Donald Trump POISON ATTACK! Supporters BLINDED & Sent To ER From Trump Rally With "Mystery Illness"

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September 20, 2024

everything having caseation and being told "you have to look at everything holistically"

the SECOND THE VERY SECOND i say "Ok then, so feminism"


I love my mother. but she's a hypocritical numpty at times.

The suffragette movement put women in the same boat as us groomers put children in danger your LESBIAN HASH SMOKING FRIENDS and their kids SLOW CLAP not going in to detail about that but that is on you.

you telling me to look at things holistically I HAVE TO, it's what i practice i need the data but you refuse to take in data that is not convenient THIS WILL NOT SURFICE!

The taxation system is a con
the education system is a con
the money system is a con
the government is fat because of the con
the corruption comes from the love of money
EVIL BREEDS EVIL though ignorance
YOU took a STATE JOB working for the government you was FIRED from because they made you sick and dissuaded you like waste.

you won't let me thrive you prevented me from thriving by having me poisoner and ...

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