The Quartering
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September 20, 2024

everything having caseation and being told "you have to look at everything holistically"

the SECOND THE VERY SECOND i say "Ok then, so feminism"


I love my mother. but she's a hypocritical numpty at times.

The suffragette movement put women in the same boat as us groomers put children in danger your LESBIAN HASH SMOKING FRIENDS and their kids SLOW CLAP not going in to detail about that but that is on you.

you telling me to look at things holistically I HAVE TO, it's what i practice i need the data but you refuse to take in data that is not convenient THIS WILL NOT SURFICE!

The taxation system is a con
the education system is a con
the money system is a con
the government is fat because of the con
the corruption comes from the love of money
EVIL BREEDS EVIL though ignorance
YOU took a STATE JOB working for the government you was FIRED from because they made you sick and dissuaded you like waste.

you won't let me thrive you prevented me from thriving by having me poisoner and feminized around lesbian has smoking twots and masculine Jamaican beast women who can't control their emotional states and me I'm very balanced but i have a fraction of the data i need to get the damn picture in to focus.

it won't be migrants we go after it will be the perverts too you had force me to do this because you refuse to admit and give penance to the DATA points you are responsible for.

the banks arch over all and I am outside the game. contracts can't bind me at this point the way of Christ is for the people INSIDE THE GAME so when the books come around we're sorting men from babe everyone is going to pay the price for their role.

even i have done bad because others willed me to, i was played but how do you escape a game that is owned. EVERY relationship feels like possession because humans can't understand freedom like animals do. they mostly are truly free, the birds the bees the crabs in the sea but the cattle are still owned and processed.

GOYUM KUFAR what ever sematic cunts want to call you they can control the weak of mind and attempt to intimindate and bully people who don't know their false beliefs i have my issues with Christianity i have my issues with Islam i have my issues with Judaism
but all focus is on the Abrahamic faiths who are running the western world i for one find it all distasteful repulsive and draconian to keep recycling the same dumb ideas and expecting a different result.

There is always balance after death and looking at the energy THE VERY intentions of emotion changes history no more than a blot of coffiee on a page some times.

given education system and food industry creates the most sickness and twisted problmes
alcohol tobacco pornography processed meat sugar grain.
alll stones in the soup to make it taste sweat or bitter so useless men can profit from doing nothing for this world.

Stick some mud in your smoothy it's HEALTHY i swear.
eat the rat poison it decalcfies your pinal gland
Purify the water get the FLORIDE out of the system

pray over your food? could be how you add your own intentions.

the things we consume may not consume us if only we let them.

you don't solve a problem by taxing it you create a LOOP game that becomes lucrative to those who can exploit it.
this is why i'm against tobacco taxation alcohol taxation let people decide for themselevs but don't abuse them for it to fund a sustem that also support it's existance.

like prisons why solve crime when you make more money from putting people IN prison for non crimes? hey you said a "hate speech" lets take your freedoms away the moment this becomes acceptable it works in evils favor THIS WILL NOT SURFICE!

many of those who came before me know much more but i'm not smart in accdemia i don't need to be, what is the point in "REMEBERING" facts when you don't LEARN the energy of transference and transmutation of one mans problem in to another mans solution which can be sold back to them for a penny or two.
Now it's half your monthly income to buy devices that also help poison your mind.

never go down the path of the hermetic alchemist guys, you will become smarter wiser but more vengeful toward your kin and friends for their mistakes effect us all

"it's not hurting anyone" till it's justification for locking up the innocent.

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